We are thrilled to have Andrea back at home with us. What a joy it was to give her a HUG!! We have closed a chapter in Andrea's life and in her words we "just wants things to be normal!" And very soon they will be. The next 10 days are a period of adjustment as Andrea is not able to attend school yet. As precautionary measures we are told that we should not spend long periods of time in close contact with her. During these next two weeks at home we will gradually get Andrea back on track with school and start exercising (she has not been able to exercise for at least 3 months). She is really looking forward to getting back to swimming!
Andrea's name means 'courageous' and boy was she a brave warrior these past two weeks. We are so proud of her.
Katka's results were good as well. She was equally as anxious to get the positive news and to be discharged. It was good to meet her husband Nicholas.