Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday, 15 May 2008

We went to the hospital this morning to get the results of Andrea’s tests and to bring her home. Unfortunately the doctor did not have the results of the whole body scan (scintigraphy) prepared. We were very disappointed as it is not fun to wait for results!! We are told that these results will be available to us on Monday.

We were however, encouraged by the results of a blood test that determines the level of thyroglobulin in her system. Thyroglobulin is a protein produced by normal thyroid tissue. Thyroid cancer cells may continue to produce thyroglobulin and levels may be markedly elevated in patients with active thyroid cancer. Theoretically, a patient who has undergone thyroid surgery and effective treatment with radioactive iodine should not have any remaining thyroid cancer cells or normal thyroid tissue present. Andrea’s thyroglobulin levels have fallen to a very low level since her treatment with radioactive iodine in October and we are told that this could be a good indication that any remaining thyroid cancer cells have been destroyed. This is good news! Of course the results of the whole body scan will be essential to determine what, if any, further treatment is needed.

Thank you for praying.


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